Robert Walters Payroll Solutions - AUS - Flipbook - Page 5
Your end-to-end payroll solution
Manage your ‘people risk’ and cost
Risk: We minimise your ‘people risk.’ We
thoroughly vet all candidates including reference
checks, right-to-work, and more.
Data: We can assist your resource planning and
purchasing decisions by analysing and providing
you with bespoke contractor and temporary
workforce data.
Cost: We assist to reduce your overheads and the
time and e昀昀ort spent on the administrative tasks
related to payrolling.
Support: We’ll provide a dedicated account
manager to work with you every step of the way.
Con昀椀dence: Our services comply with AUS
employment legislation and international health &
safety standards (e.g. ISO45001, ISO9001).
Flexibility: We facilitate whichever engagement
method is preferred (E.g. PAYG, PTY Ltd)
Stability: As a plc, we have the 昀椀nancial security
to ensure your contractors are paid on time, every
Reach: Through us, you can tap into a network of
20,000+ contractors worldwide.
Continuity: Every contractor paid through our
payroll system has access to Robert Walters’
exclusive perks and bene昀椀ts to boost sta昀昀
retention and engagement
Protection: Our cybersecurity vigilance ensures
the safety of your business and contractors’ data.
Speed: Our partners utilise our fast and
convenient digital platforms for onboarding and
timesheet submission and approvals.
Cash昀氀ow: Our 昀氀exible payment terms help boost
your cash 昀氀ow.
A happier, more loyal contractor
Experience empowered by tech
Data-led decisions
Contact us